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A Glimpse of my journey so far.

I started my design journey from being a mechanical design engineer since 2009. I designed human powered vehicles, Off road karts, Mechanical FEA simulations and bunch of other projects.
I then transitioned into being an Industrial Designer during 2013, Un-learnt to be an engineer and Learnt being a designer. I worked on forms, aesthetics and developed my style slowly.
After that I transitioned Into UX and Systems/digital Experiences. I worked in a wide range of projects. I started from IOT and business projects and then worked in Crypto and Blockchain from 2017-2019. I did bunch of roles like a product manager to product designer to strategy maker to growth manager etc. 
After that I worked with 1mg, OLX as a design manager. Helped them setting Global design strategy for OLX autos and OLX Finance. 
Now, I work in Google Cloud and also exploring bunch of stuff in field of AR and entrepreneurship.



UI/UX, Interaction Design, Strategy Design,
Branding, Motion, Industrial Design, Product Design, Animation


2021 - Current


Lead Product Designer at Google

2017 - 2018


Design consultant at Blockslab

2019 - 2021


Design Manager at OLX Autos

2016 - 2017


UX Designer

2018 - 2019

1 MG

Sen. UX Designer at 1MG

2015 - 2016


Industrial Designer Freelance

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